while doing a shameless autogoogle, i came across one of my images that appears in josh macphee and faviana rodriguez’s book “reproduce and revolt”. the image, on the brooklyn street art blog, is part of a larger post about macphee’s book and other projects he’s up to.
typeface in progress
i’m working on a stencil font based on the type i developed for the “spread love” poster. any thoughts? suggestions?
new books coming
i’m excited because i just ordered a few new books — finally. i’m a real miser when it comes to forking out money for new books, no matter what the subject matter. but i never fail to get jealous when i see new (or old) books that my colleagues bring in. so, thank you, birthday money from my parents, for allowing me the opportunity to spoil myself a bit on these cool items.
signal:01, edited by josh macphee and alec dunn
”Signal is an ongoing book series dedicated to documenting and sharing compelling graphics, art projects, and cultural movements of international resistance and liberation struggles.”
i’m excited about this whole thing, but mostly about “designing anarchy: the graphic covers of rufus segar”, because they look really interesting and i’ve never head of the guy. it’s always nice to discover new artists and designers working in a revolutionary context.
craphound #4, 5, and 7 (i have #6 already)
i respect Sean Tejaratchi because he has the tenacity to collect line art in a serious way that i could never muster. the themes from each issue are either clever non-seqiturs (death, telephones, and scissors) or useful groupings (church and state). the page layouts are awesome and the found art is great. yay!
thesis film clips
two clips from a larger 20-minute film exploring the possibilities of rhetoric within the medium. simultaneous communication through multiple channels (image, text, music, sound effects, voice) maximize the meaning of the messages. completed spring 2006.
experimental typographic film
more work from the portfolio…
personal narrative combining experiments in filmed analog typography with digital manipulation. experimenting with two contrasting modes of storytelling — literal, linear prose and visually charged words / fragments.
independent voices title sequence
i’m slowly but surely putting together a portfolio of work, which involves posting up some past motion work. this particular project was completed spring 2006 while in graduate school at ncsu.
this raleigh/durham/chapel hill public access cable news show is created by the people, for the people. the sequence was designed to embody the do-it-yourself spirit, networks, public participation, and production values of this group of activist reporters. the soundtrack features cakalak thunder, a north carolina radical drum corps.
from richard buchanan, in his essay “human dignity and human rights: thoughts on the principles of human-centered design” in looking closer 5. [emphasis mine, by design]
designmatters program at art center
an interesting story over at core 77 on a new concentration in design for social impact. it’s great to see a more holistic approach to these kinds of big-picture problems in the world of education.
there is no personal consumer choice that is going to dismantle the systems of power that are behind the destruction of our planet. what we need is organized political resistance.
a great sentiment from an anonymous narrator in the in-progress film “end:civ”. a great reminder to me of how easily i (we) can get caught up in inconsequential details. check out the trailer and info about the film here. thanks to tony brock for the link.