seeking collaborators for spring 2014
the new programme is seeking student collaborators in the area of graphic design, illustration, digital film, photography, printmaking, or animation for the spring 2014 semester. our mission is to utilize the power of visual communication and design thinking to create positive social change for underserved voices that seek to increase health, education, sustainability, and civic participation in their kansas city communities.
projects for the spring 2014 semester will include bicycle advocacy work for the kansas city area, begun as my sabbatical work in the fall 2013 semester. specific projects will be influenced by the student collaborators' interest and abilities, but may include video work, zine making, designing bike events, etc. additional work may be in service of the midwest center for equality and democracy on their ongoing initiatives with low-wage restaurant workers [see recent projects here].
this position can be taken as a 3-credit studio elective, CASL elective, or not taken for credit, as you wish. it is unpaid but my sparkling personality and the occasional free cup o’ joe or mud pie pastry may compensate a bit.
specific software program knowledge is not required, but is helpful. i'm most interested in motivation and a desire to use your creative superpowers for the good of humanity. we can work on the rest.
collaborators will be expected to work six hours a week, preferably meeting on tuesdays or thursdays for work sessions, critiques, client meetings, and so on.
bike advocacy design projects (primary duties)
- attend and participate in field research and interviews
- design research
- brainstorming, ideation, and iterations
- production work
- project documentation for internal and promotional use
to apply, send a resume and pdf of five work samples to tyler [at] thenewprogramme [dot] net by
friday, november 1, 5pm.